May I start today's offering with a healthy dose of Happy New Year Ya'll ? While the lesser of the positive folks may possibly be sick of hearing it, one thing's for certainly can't escape it.
I mean come on people, you had to know it was coming. It happens every Jan. 1st.
But this year, IT REALLY IS TIME..don't ya think? Time to lay down all of your same old excuses and pony up to all of the lip service that was inevitably being arrogantly and haphazardly thrown about as the clock struck Midnight a few nights happens every New Years Eve!!
I, being a positive thinker, consider a new year a good thing no matter the circumstances and fortunately for us, a brand new year has come and with it, the old has passed away and with it, a new day has come! Now That's always, GOOD NEWS!
So, whether we like resolution setting or not, the passing away of the old and the ringing in of the new...well that's always a very good notion now matter how you look at it, isn't it! Hey ya'll, the bottom line here is that it's better than the Mayan's prediction, right? I mean folks just give it up! According to them if I remember correctly, as of Dec.21st, we were all going to be TOAST...yeah, RIGHT!
When it comes to predicting the end of the world, no one will ever get that one right. Just so you know and in case you're interested.... the Biblical account of this scenario in described clearly in the scriptures. It tells us, in a couple of locations... that if and when "ANYONE" tries to predict the end of the world, we can know for sure - that's not the day. For it says that "No one knows the day or the hour..." (paraphrased and shortened), so STOP TRYING to predict doom and gloom and instead, get back in the game of living full throttle .
Long time followers of my blog already know that I've not always been so keen with the idea of setting New Year's Resolutions. But in the past few years I've softened a bit - I must admit. It's as good a time as any to pick when shooting for new beginnings - however, by starting January 1st, you may be selling your self a little short. Let me explain!
This past Saturday, if you happened to have caught my "11 Fitness TV News Segment " on our NBC affiliate, 'WBAL' Television (if you even live in the mid Atlantic states that is - or possibly if it was posted by the news station on YouTube), I laid down a challenge. If you didn't see it...well, in a nutshell - here it is!
If you're Really Ready for CHANGE...then you have a chance to join me and be a part of my
"FINALLY FIT IN FEBRUARY" Challenge (or the "FFF" Challenge - for short) !
But Why February you ask? Good question.
Because, just one of the reasons that New Years Resolutions fail, is because the first few weeks in January are EXTREMELY STRESSFUL! IN fact, I'd say they're some of the most stressful weeks of the entire year.
Ever noticed? Sure you have. You probably just didn't think about the fact the setting new and aggressive fitness and weight loss goals - when the Holidays have "JUST' ended, might not be the wisest decision available, when it comes to doing all you can to set yourself up for success.
I mean, there's the stress of all the decorations having to be taken down and put away.
Then you have the added work of getting your house back in " post- Holiday" working order and let us not forget the daunting task of getting your receipts in order, so as to start paying off those massive holiday bills. All of this of course comes down on you when you've gone back at work (most likely after being off a good long relaxing while)...ugh!
Now imagine trying desperately to keep all of that straight, while at the same time finding the time to fit in the 3 to 5 workouts per week, you know are necessary to successfully launch your new FITNESS RESOLUTION ...YIKES!
THEN, how about your NEW WEIGHT LOSS RESOLUTION? Other than the fact that (if your house is like mine right now), there are deserts, holiday cookies, chocolate covered nuts and toffee, as well as fat filled - calorie laden sticky delicacies...laying, EVERY WHERE!
In addition, you have returns to make and Thank You notes to's a stressful, STRESSFUL TIME.
SO, here's my challenge. Why not join me and let the goals you desperately seek regarding "living a healthier lifestyle", wait until February First. February first...when the ravages left over from the holidays are but a distant memory and you can actually give yourself the time you need to plan and PREPARE Yourself for SUCCESS? I say it's just what the doctor ordered.
SO, why not join me and be a part of our "FINALLY FIT IN FEBRUARY" challenge and YES, it officially begins February first! This gives you ample time to recover from the extra work left over from the Holidays and to purge your home of all of those goodies!
During the next three weeks, you have Four Simple Homework Assignments To Prepare Yourself For Success.
1) First, if you haven't already, you need to "Friend Me" on FaceBook!
The actual events page with all the instructions for participation will be posted there, as well as updates, directions to my YouTube Channel where you will find the Videos to follow, etc. They will all be hosted there and some will be on my website as well. But, my FaceBook page and the the events page that will follow... will notify you of when and where to go for ALL the info and materials you will need to FINALLY GET FIT IN FEB.!So, if you are already on my friend list or if you are just now joining... for now, just simply say "I'm Ready to FINALLY GET FIT IN FEBRUARY" Coach and you are on your way!
2) Get A Journal and Start Diligently keeping Track of Your Food Intake!
I'm not asking you to change anything right now. Just write down everything you eat and drink and also start
to familiarize yourself with the actual "INTENDED" serving sizes of the foods you eat on a regular basis.
3) Look at Your February Schedule and Start To Put Check Marks Next To The Days You'll Be Able to Chisel Out Time For a 45 min. to one Hour Work Out ....3 to 5 Days per Week In February.
4)Finally, All During the Month of Jan. Each Time a False Belief About Why You Feel You Probably Won't Stick With This Program Enters Your Brain..stop it in its tracks by WRITING IT DOWN!
This is where the biggest battle lies. The Battle for "The Mind of The Matter"! Trust me, this war is Won or Lost in the recesses of the Battle Ground of the Mind! We must Change our Thinking in Order to Be Successful. It's Not about Whether We Think 'Actually Doing it' This Time "Is Possible" ...It's About Whether or Not we Actually Believe We Will DO IT THIS TIME!!!!
Keep a running log of all your faulty, negative thoughts that would keep you from success and on Jan. 31st,
we're going to BURN THEM!!!!
So Folks, we have a plan. I'm in your corner and this is exactly how I do this work with my personal clients. Now, this one's ON ME! All I ask is that you get in the ring and join me in the battle and if you do...we WILL WIN!
Until Next Time,
Friend me...
Coach Candace
I mean come on people, you had to know it was coming. It happens every Jan. 1st.
But this year, IT REALLY IS TIME..don't ya think? Time to lay down all of your same old excuses and pony up to all of the lip service that was inevitably being arrogantly and haphazardly thrown about as the clock struck Midnight a few nights happens every New Years Eve!!
I, being a positive thinker, consider a new year a good thing no matter the circumstances and fortunately for us, a brand new year has come and with it, the old has passed away and with it, a new day has come! Now That's always, GOOD NEWS!
So, whether we like resolution setting or not, the passing away of the old and the ringing in of the new...well that's always a very good notion now matter how you look at it, isn't it! Hey ya'll, the bottom line here is that it's better than the Mayan's prediction, right? I mean folks just give it up! According to them if I remember correctly, as of Dec.21st, we were all going to be TOAST...yeah, RIGHT!
When it comes to predicting the end of the world, no one will ever get that one right. Just so you know and in case you're interested.... the Biblical account of this scenario in described clearly in the scriptures. It tells us, in a couple of locations... that if and when "ANYONE" tries to predict the end of the world, we can know for sure - that's not the day. For it says that "No one knows the day or the hour..." (paraphrased and shortened), so STOP TRYING to predict doom and gloom and instead, get back in the game of living full throttle .
Long time followers of my blog already know that I've not always been so keen with the idea of setting New Year's Resolutions. But in the past few years I've softened a bit - I must admit. It's as good a time as any to pick when shooting for new beginnings - however, by starting January 1st, you may be selling your self a little short. Let me explain!
This past Saturday, if you happened to have caught my "11 Fitness TV News Segment " on our NBC affiliate, 'WBAL' Television (if you even live in the mid Atlantic states that is - or possibly if it was posted by the news station on YouTube), I laid down a challenge. If you didn't see it...well, in a nutshell - here it is!
If you're Really Ready for CHANGE...then you have a chance to join me and be a part of my
"FINALLY FIT IN FEBRUARY" Challenge (or the "FFF" Challenge - for short) !
But Why February you ask? Good question.
Because, just one of the reasons that New Years Resolutions fail, is because the first few weeks in January are EXTREMELY STRESSFUL! IN fact, I'd say they're some of the most stressful weeks of the entire year.
Ever noticed? Sure you have. You probably just didn't think about the fact the setting new and aggressive fitness and weight loss goals - when the Holidays have "JUST' ended, might not be the wisest decision available, when it comes to doing all you can to set yourself up for success.
I mean, there's the stress of all the decorations having to be taken down and put away.
Then you have the added work of getting your house back in " post- Holiday" working order and let us not forget the daunting task of getting your receipts in order, so as to start paying off those massive holiday bills. All of this of course comes down on you when you've gone back at work (most likely after being off a good long relaxing while)...ugh!
Now imagine trying desperately to keep all of that straight, while at the same time finding the time to fit in the 3 to 5 workouts per week, you know are necessary to successfully launch your new FITNESS RESOLUTION ...YIKES!
THEN, how about your NEW WEIGHT LOSS RESOLUTION? Other than the fact that (if your house is like mine right now), there are deserts, holiday cookies, chocolate covered nuts and toffee, as well as fat filled - calorie laden sticky delicacies...laying, EVERY WHERE!
In addition, you have returns to make and Thank You notes to's a stressful, STRESSFUL TIME.
SO, here's my challenge. Why not join me and let the goals you desperately seek regarding "living a healthier lifestyle", wait until February First. February first...when the ravages left over from the holidays are but a distant memory and you can actually give yourself the time you need to plan and PREPARE Yourself for SUCCESS? I say it's just what the doctor ordered.
SO, why not join me and be a part of our "FINALLY FIT IN FEBRUARY" challenge and YES, it officially begins February first! This gives you ample time to recover from the extra work left over from the Holidays and to purge your home of all of those goodies!
During the next three weeks, you have Four Simple Homework Assignments To Prepare Yourself For Success.
1) First, if you haven't already, you need to "Friend Me" on FaceBook!
The actual events page with all the instructions for participation will be posted there, as well as updates, directions to my YouTube Channel where you will find the Videos to follow, etc. They will all be hosted there and some will be on my website as well. But, my FaceBook page and the the events page that will follow... will notify you of when and where to go for ALL the info and materials you will need to FINALLY GET FIT IN FEB.!So, if you are already on my friend list or if you are just now joining... for now, just simply say "I'm Ready to FINALLY GET FIT IN FEBRUARY" Coach and you are on your way!
2) Get A Journal and Start Diligently keeping Track of Your Food Intake!
I'm not asking you to change anything right now. Just write down everything you eat and drink and also start
to familiarize yourself with the actual "INTENDED" serving sizes of the foods you eat on a regular basis.
3) Look at Your February Schedule and Start To Put Check Marks Next To The Days You'll Be Able to Chisel Out Time For a 45 min. to one Hour Work Out ....3 to 5 Days per Week In February.
4)Finally, All During the Month of Jan. Each Time a False Belief About Why You Feel You Probably Won't Stick With This Program Enters Your Brain..stop it in its tracks by WRITING IT DOWN!
This is where the biggest battle lies. The Battle for "The Mind of The Matter"! Trust me, this war is Won or Lost in the recesses of the Battle Ground of the Mind! We must Change our Thinking in Order to Be Successful. It's Not about Whether We Think 'Actually Doing it' This Time "Is Possible" ...It's About Whether or Not we Actually Believe We Will DO IT THIS TIME!!!!
Keep a running log of all your faulty, negative thoughts that would keep you from success and on Jan. 31st,
we're going to BURN THEM!!!!
So Folks, we have a plan. I'm in your corner and this is exactly how I do this work with my personal clients. Now, this one's ON ME! All I ask is that you get in the ring and join me in the battle and if you do...we WILL WIN!
Until Next Time,
Friend me...
Coach Candace
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