Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, January 21, 2013


 In my business, being asked questions just comes with the territory. I mean if someone finds out that you’re a Personal Trainer, Pro Athlete, or a Nutrition Specialist – put on a smile and be prepared. 

Humorous yes, but very true.

You see, it appears that once you’ve been found out, that’s all it takes for an immediate Open Season to be declared. The hunt is on and let the games begin. I call it ‘CORNER THE FITNESS PROFESSIONAL’ and by golly GET SOME ANSWERS before they get away. I say this a bit tongue and cheek of course but in reality,  you really can't imagine just  how desperate some folks have become.  

I have been stopped in Starbucks.
I've been cornered in the Grocery Store. 
For the fitness and Nutrition Professional, a trip to the local Grocery Store or Being Noticed While Dining Out can both end up in an unexpected attack. 

One time in particular, I remember being thrown just a myriad of nutrition questions in rather rapid fire succession, as the inquisitive patron went through my cart - item by item (I kid you not) - inquiring about the nutrition value of each and asking why I had ultimately made that particular food choice.  I actually remember becoming a little concerned as to what I might say to appease what would certainly be their shock and dismay…. if they were to come across the “Tin Roof” Ice Cream I’d just thrown in there for my husband. I'll never forget sweating it out....just waiting and wondering if they were going to find said contraband and if so, would I be able to escape unharmed!
Of course they were actually quite nice, but I did get detained about 20 minutes that day.
Listen, while it's true, some well intended folks don't quite know when to quit, for the most part....people are MORE than incredibly nice and even though I can recall being sidelined on a subway and actually motioned to pull over in a parking lot (my custom plates give me away…been meaning to change those), I still can say in all honesty I actually do enjoy being thrown a few questions every now and again.   

But if I’m going ‘full disclosure’ about being jumped for some quick advice, it’s only fitting (pun very much intended), that I mention the time a doctor ambushed me while coming out of surgery. 

He hit me with a barrage of questions about what he should do to get a lower resting heart rate while I was still rather quite incoherent from the surgery I just had!!! I was still lying on the stretcher and they were wheeling me out of the O.R. when my ANESTHESIOLOGIST launched his inquisitive attack!
Apparently (while I was under), he'd witnessed my resting heart rate at 41 beats per minute and just couldn't wait for some advice on how to best approach his cardio -  so that he might experience the same! I've said it before and I'll say it again..."If I'm lying y'all - then I'm dying” cause, this happened folks and I’m still laughing about it to this day. I know I gave him some kind of answer but Lord only knows what I told the guy considering the state I was in.  I hope he didn't get hurt. 

To be honest and this might surprise you, the only question I really struggle with or find uncomfortable rather, is when people ask me about my own source of  personal motivation.

You know, when they ask, “Hey Candace…What Motivates You”?
  I have trouble with the question, because I don’t know how to answer that one so very well.  
It’s also not one that I can Google .

You see, I’ve been an athlete since I was 12 years old.
My first sport turned to the “A” rated Circuit and headed right towards pro- when I was only 13. I rode and showed Hunters and Jumpers in the Equestrian Arena for Sport! During which most of the time (which I found out years later), my mother could be found hiding in the bathroom and praying for my safety.

I loved it, as I’ve loved every sport that I’ve allowed myself to seriously engage all of my energies. All were of course attacked Full Throttle, with no looking back. Whether competing as a Professional Marathon runner or Rock Climbing to thousand foot summits…I’ve been in shape and at an elite body fat percentage for about 40 years now! FORTY YEARS, now that’s hard to swallow.

So, what most people are really asking when they throw the motivation question out there, is actually more like “How is it that you have the  DISCIPLINE it takes to do what you do, day in and day out when many just don’t”. What they actually should say here is “…when others just WON’T”! There’s a massive difference between these two statements and it’s of the utmost importance to note.

The truth is, I am NOT ‘little’ by genetic design and because of what I do…I always have and always will have to watch what and how I eat. I always have and always will have to fit in my workouts, without excuse and FYI…I DON’T ‘LIKE’ WORKING OUT! There …I said it!
What I do like is being fit enough to do what I love to do and if that weren’t enough, I also know too much not to. SO, the discipline must stay in tact.

What is the answer then? I mean really, I must have a clue right? Let’s face it, I’ve had 40 plus years to try and figure it out. 

After being asked over and over, what I’ve come up with is this: I remain disciplined BECAUSE I’m motivated. I just am. I’m motivated to do what I have to do to experience what these activities and a super healthy body will ultimately render…MOUNTAIN TOP EXPERIENCES THAT WILL LIVE IN MY MEMORY FOR A LIFE TIME!

Let me sum it up with this.

While we were in NY visiting my husband’s family, I went into my brother in- law’s gym to get my workout in. It was mid day and I was squeezing it in quietly, just before we were all to go out to dinner.
I was pushing out a six mile run on ‘his’ treadmill when my brother in – law found me and walked in to what was apparently a rather dark gym. It was only slightly lit, by the television screen that was on in front of me. 

He looked up and said “Hey, don’t you want the lights on Candace”?
I was burning my run at decent pace at that point and was over half way through when that question brought to my attention that I hadn't even turned them on.

While continuing to sling a good amount of sweat, I looked around and said “Ya know, I didn’t even notice. I’M JUST IN HERE GETTING THE JOB DONE”!

Enough said and enough for you to chew on as you hammer out those new, New Year’s Resolutions.

Until Next Time…
Power On,
Coach Candace

1 comment:

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