Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, August 20, 2012

THIS WEEK'S TRAINING TIP: "Working - Out,With Time To Spare"!

In today's world, the economy and our fitness status have much in common. They're both a bit sluggish.
Many articles recite that an estimated 70% of the population report no physical activity on a regular basis. Thus from those articles we could conclude that nearly 70% of our population are considered sedentary at best. That's bad folks. REALLY BAD! But just how much exercise do we really need and how much just isn't enough? That's a simple question that unfortunately has the bad reputation of being as convoluted a question - as a question can get. Let me explain.

 As usual, we Americans with our "Go big or Go home" mentality have made things WORSE with our all , or nothing will save you attitudes.

You've been told numerous times that you Must Do Cardio. Even your Doctor has chimed in on that note. But you've also heard you should weight train as well and by the way, that's all true. Just in case you were hoping to escape the my articles - MAY IT NEVER BE SO.

But, having said that, the all or nothing camp (who's thinking for sure causes much of our obesity epidemic now days....again just stating the truth) have come off suggesting you should do both and you should do a lot of  it, every time you train!
How often would that be?Well, by many an article's standards... written by many of those who hold a membership in this particular "GO BIG or GO HOME" camp - that should be just about every 'dad-gum' day. By the time you're done with membership in this camp, they'll have you convinced that must decide to become a "tri-athlete" in your spare time -  just to maintain adequate health benefits from your daily fitness routine.

Then there's the other side. The "NOBODY PANIC and nobody gets hurt" side; Just at much at fault as as those who try and PUSH US so hard, we fall off their FULL THROTTLED edge.

These "PASSIVE PLEASURE PUSHERS" are the ones in denial. Hate to say it but it's true; those who are the worst offenders of the matter at hand - tend to be the ones  screeming  the loudest , "NO HARM, NO FOUL, it's nothing more then the added stress over the trumped up hype of the situation that has us falling down "! OF course that is just as dangerous as those who are yelling no pain no gain.

In the end, neither camp is winning and the number of victims are mounting. Inactivity is running rampant and as an nation we are losing our healthy population.
When confusion causes casualties, it's important to go back -  in order to look back -  so we can recall what we can say we "know for sure". From there we can begin to rebuild a solid foundation. A Foundation of truth  that will help and not hinder... because when the dust has settled and the craziness has died down, this foundation will be built upon the FACTS and nothing but!  

So what can we say that we know for sure?

Well, what we know for sure, is that "Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health".
It can help with
- weight control.
- Reducing our risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Reducing our risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
- Reducing our risk of some cancers.
- Strengthening our bones and muscles.
- It improves our ablity to do daily activites and prevents falls in our older adult population.
- and it Increses our chance of LIVING LONGER!
Ok, so apparently we have to buy that 'regular phsical activity' has a HUGE list of benefits.But the benefits are only good if we can accumulate the amount of activity required to gain the goods. That's the way we got started with this mess in the first place, right? Who has time for ENOUGH? It's useless we say... or is it?

How quickly we forget. When we're not sure of the answers because of all the clutter of opinions fogging up the place, where do we turn to find clear, clean, sanity inducing air?
The same place where we found the list of medically proven benefits.
THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION! That's right, that's whom I just quoted - From the statement about the importance of physical activity as well as that most impressive list of benefits.

When it comes to the fact folks, go right to the source. Put down articles and turn off your televisions when the people who're featured there start saying things that are more than just a little insane. In fact, we went over this a couple of weeks ago when I told you the truth about "SENSA"... remember?

 In short, let's stop the madness by tuning it out and instead, let's  lend our minds and our ears FIRST to those who have been given charge over us - in order to keep us well. Always research and question but do so with sources of the SAME the mayo clinic and John's Hopkins for example. Those are the articles and oratores I tend to listen to and when I do, I find out the truth.
 So bottom line, from a source of truth - how much physical activity do we really need to evoke a health benefit significant enough to render the benefits from the CDC's List?

The guidelines listed below are mentioned as "the least" amount to be done. This means it  is the Minimum required. Do a little more if you like and you will reap greater rewards. If you don't have the time to do more, then by following these guild lines below, you will do your body a big old list of health benefits kind of good, amen? You bet. 

Here are the guideline for physical activity for Adults ages 18-64: we need "at Least"

1)  2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate - intensity aerobic activity (ie. , brisk walking), every week AND
2)Muscle -strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (Legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms).
I'll let you go to their link listed below -  in order to read the options offered.
That's right. THIS common sense 'truth' approach offers options to get the job done. Imagine that?

SO...if you want to do it in less time by
picking up the intensity (if you are in the camp that can and or should or if you can and you just want something different) an alternative list of times for each is printed you there.
For when you want to mix it up by combining exercises that offer both components at the same time; both aerobic and strength training  ( i.e., circuit training etc.) it's listed for you there as well.

Sounds pretty common - sensical if you ask me, but then again, on this website I don't have to guess. Why? Because we've gone to a source that doesn't care if we like what they have tell us or not.

There's no New York Times Best Seller List awaiting them
for winning popularity contest among their readers. Unfortunately these are all too often won by authors who choose instead to "tickle the ears" of their audience (and they know their audience), by telling them tall tails that they know they'd  prefer to hear instead.

Unlike those uncouth authors, (if you can call authors that is), The CDC and other reputable organizations give us only the up to date, medically proven  facts and as kind as I'm sure these folks's no skin off their pay checks if you like what they have to say or not. Like them or thump your nose at them - they get paid the same whether you do what they telling you to or not. Just so happens that what they're telling you is the truth as well as we medically know it to date. I suggest you take their advice. I have and I've done QUITE WELL thank you very much!

Until next time...
Watch and test who you choose to listen too and that includes testing me!
Power on,
Coach Candace

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