Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, November 21, 2011

MONDAY'S MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE - Part IV, of our four part series, "Motivation - Taking a Cold Hard Look"

So here we are, our last installment of this four part series. To date we have discussed the meaning  of the word several times, but for good measure....

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word MOTIVATION like this:

-"Something That Arouses Action or Activity"-.

Again, don't know about you, but I love that definition. Simple, yet powerful and right to the point.
However, when taking this "Cold Hard Look at Motivation" we must admit that it would "appear" as though a great,impassable chasm exists between those who have it (Mounds of Motivation that is) and those who don't; or at least that's often what those who've claimed hold to the "HAVE NOT's", would lead themselves and everyone else for that matter... to believe! The bottwom line here, is that some just seem to have bocu amounts of this powerful substance and  with it, the ability to latch on to everything they try  (be it a sport, a job, a new relationship, a magnificent physique...YOU NAME IT), with a Pit Bull- death grip of motivational force, that won't ALLOW them to even let go....until the have attained the focus of their attention. At first glance,it'd appear as though these rare birds achieve whatever they to put their minds to and they make it look easy at that! It's as if they have some kind of secret key. One that unlocks a mythical, magical, SUPER-HERO "MOTIVATIONAL MO-JO"- leaving the rest of the population feeling as though they're somehow just missing out. It's like they've been slighted some type of MASTER THREAD to a - super Hero - DNA. A DNA that allows ONLY those lucky few who posess it, the uncanny ability to "see it and achieve it" with no questions asked.
To that I say, AH, HECK NO!!!!
While it is true that some are natural born 'MOTIVATORS', we'll see that when we dissect the final part of the Motivation Equation; Becoming and remaining Motivated to achieve, is nothing more fanciful than a MATTER OF CHOICE!
Love people, only love! I've watched it happen over and over. So please... don't shoot the messenger.

So what's the difference between those who seem to have boat loads of  MOTIVATION up their sleeve and others - who can't seem to stay on an eating program (for example) for more than 24 hours, despite the
fact that their doctor has been telling them that their body mass is killing them?

It's based in a large part on the success or failures of our past experiences and interestingly enough, these experiences are a product of the choices we make. So ultimately, it is up to us!
For those working off of a past, riddled with the experience of  many failures, even the thought of trying to muster up the motivation to attempt to achieve another elusive goal , seems exhausting. They actually feel as though they're constantly having to try to hunt down, sneak up on, and steal the motivation necessary to "arouse them to action" ! Once there, they hold their breath in the hopes of sticking with an action plan long enough to begin to see tangible results. Results big enough to create a momentum powerful enough, to finally achieve their goals; Experiencing the joy of the accomplishment of their dreams.Once in a while they find they can white knuckle it just long enough to muster up enough enthusiasm to catch the tip of  "Motivation's tail" only to swing loose after a couple of quick twists and turns. They go flying from that WAGON of dreams just as fast as when they latched on to it, leaving them with yet another 'failed attempt' to add to their 'Mental Rolodex' of experiences!
So what's an unmotivated person to do?
 let's follow the anatomy of "Motivation" in action, to reach our final point of discussion on this topic. In doing so, I'll attempt to shed some hope on a flawed belief system that holds many back from the realization of their desired motivational destinations.

"THE PROGRESSION" -  'MOTIVATION, based on right MOTIVES...  produces the results to breed more MOTIVATION , thus starting a  forward action of MOMENTUM that follows through to finish the job!

 For me, it starts like this....
 I find out about, see a picture of,  or hear about something that catches my interest and I find that I just can't keep myself from thinking bout it until I'm there.
Once I've tried it, tasted it and liked it, I find that I 'MUST' do it again to see if I Truly LOVE IT enough to spend my precious time engaging in it on a regular basis thus creating a Passion for the target at hand.
In fact, why don't we use a real example from my pool of experiences that started at a rather young age, and put some real meat to this example of the 'motivation Equation',  shall we?
I'm let's look into how my youthful quest to keep what could have become a serious weight issue at bay and steps taken to acquire the momentum to continue to keep it away for an entire lifetime, (or at least to what will soon be the ripe old age of 50, one  month from now)!
You may not know this about me, but I'm genetically given to being large and my body began to show signs of it, around the age of 10 or 11. The issue for me was that I had fallen in love with the idea of showing horses and in particular, SHOW JUMPING. The truth is that one can't be heavy and accomplish this at a high enough level to EXCEL at it, and that was what I'd LOCKED MY FOCUS ONTO! That was the only reason I wanted to do it, (keep my weight down that is). SO the MOTIVE now was to become a better equestrian and become an "A" Rated Show Jumping Champion. The MOTIVE had a passionate meaning, so the MOTIVATION was sound and therefore continued with a manic like vigor. Next, I had to practice; I practiced  DAILY and for hours on end. Through freezing cold barns and mucking stalls, to crashing on fences and bandaging up bleeding wounds. There was no time for dating cute young suitors and I didn't care. I had a mission and I began to win. Winning gave me the MOMENTUM I NEEDED to keep up my quest to stay the course to remain lean. The results bred the Motivation to continue because I had tangible results. I began to achieve my first wins and I wanted more. This cyclical force can work in your favor or against you depending on your tenacity to stick with it or to bail when the going gets tough. Think about it guys, it's not magic at all.
In all - When the "Motivation" to achieve a goal is based soley on an intense "Motive" that's simply for the passion of  achieving it, the outcome is an insatiable driving force to do the work it will take to make it happen. What do we call that driving force? MOMENTUM!

Let's look at it's definition "MOMENTUM";
"a force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events"-

If we look up the word "IMPETUS" it reads;
-"The MOMENTUM of a moving body, especially with referece to the cuase of motion. a moving force"-

As I have often said before...any questions?

Those who have experienced the reward of achieving  their goals over and over again, continue to achieve bacause of their past experiences.
Meaning, the best indicator of FUTURE BEHAVIOR IS PAST BEHAVIOR! Good or Bad.
Try and keep on working at it until it's done and the next time you go for something else, you are more likely to accomplish it. You have trained your brain to understand how to make it happen but more importantly, that it's possible for you because you've done it before!
Conversely, shoot for goals and bail out often enough and you'll begin to believe that it's just the way it is. NO  momentum , no results, no motivation lead to...failure. Do this often enough and you'll likely set your bar very one likes to fail and your past may just lead you to believe that this is YOUR future!

Folks, no matter what your past experiences may be, may I offer a word of encouragement. All things are possible no matter what your past may be.
Follow this four part series and the Motivation Equation above and you will have EVERY reason to believe that with a new outlook and a renewed mind, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Until Tomorrow,
I also suggest you keep your eyes turned upward and always pray without ceasing.
I'm in your corner,
Coach Candace

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