Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, October 31, 2011

MONDAY’S MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE- (Part II of a four part series). “MOTIVATION….Taking a cold hard Look”.

We ended last weeks Part I, of our “cold hard look” at MOTIVATION itself, with a riddle of sorts. We found the word within the word….that holds the key to the first factor for uncovering why we are either truly Motivated to the success of our goals, or if we start big and then fizzle. Or, worse yet...achieve them and then wish we hadn't!

What was it?

WE took it apart and found a very significant and crucial route of the word that actually creates the desire behind the DRIVING force of what truly does or doesn’t motivate us to success. It lies within the five letters of the topic of this post.

“MOTIV”ation !

Yea, it’s a tiny stretch but NOT REALLY. It screams to be heard. WHAT IS YOUR “MOTIVE” FOR DOING WHAT IT IS YOU SAY YOU WANT TO DO?

If you read last Monday’s blog; (Part I of this four part series), you saw that we looked up the word Motivation to help us understand the potential this word conveys thorough the full force of it’s defined meaning. So, we looked to the “Merriam-Webster dictionary” and found that it defines the word MOTIVATION like this:

-“Something that arouses action or activity”-

I happen to love this definition, how bout you?

LISTEN TO ME CLOSLY HERE; Once we capture the ‘MOTIVE’ behind what we “say” it is that we want, we may be well on our way to the motivation that will ultimately follow and that will ‘arouse us to ACTION’!

So why do I say we may be on our way? It’s because our MOTIVES hold he key? If you want to lose weight because your husband is telling you to, That’s a misplaced motive. Chances of success…..NOT GOOD, slim (sorry) to none.

If we say we want to become RICH,  therefore, we'll choose to become an Investment Banker or Venture Capitalist, (even though we don’t care one bit about that business and have deep passions elsewhere), want to wager a guess on your chance for success here? In this case, as my dad would have said, “Honey, Your going about this Bass-ackwards”, we were taught not to swear so that was his way of getting strong opinions across creatively. Good one huh? Feel free to use it.

You understand my point. Yet most people I counsel, especially in my ‘Career Advancements Sessions’ have NEVER even asked themselves if they have a driving PASSION to achieve what they are shooting for.

YEP..that is what you need. When it comes to picking careers, it's a “Passion before Dollars” deal my friend and NEVER the other way around! On personal goals; if your self respect inwardly burns, telling you to live a healthier life by taking off some necessary pounds, then no one will be able to stop you.

THE ONLY PROBLEM IS…in a good number of cases, especially career situations. Many people actually do succeed in reaching the pre-requisites necessary to attain their goals. BUT ONCE THERE, THEY ARE LEFT DRY AND LIFELESS as years pass in an industry they fought so hard to enter but cared nothing about. Again, need we ask why? Because, in the end, they laid their passions down for what they had hoped would bring them GREAT WEALTH instead, and (it ain’t just a platitude TRUST ME….I have seen things that will curl your hair in this arena), MONEY DOES NOT MAKE ONE CONTENT, HAPPY OR BRING ABOUT AN ABUNDANT LIFE !

SO, get to your journals and on the left side, write down what goals you are going for at the moment – on the right side, write down why you want them. Check yourself and see if your motives are valid and filled with passion or if there is something else behind them.

When your Motive to accomplish a goal is based on passion, then what you are shooting for WILL most likely SUCCEED, No matter what your pay check!

Next week, we’ll take a look at MOMENTUM!




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