Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, October 24, 2011

MONDAY’S MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE- (Part I of a four part series). “MOTIVATION….Taking a cold hard Look”.

So, what's your MOTIVE?

 Lately, I’ve found that my clients are having a little bit of trouble in the ‘Motivation Department’. Oh heck… as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, it happens to all of us from time to time. Motivation, I’ve been so frustrated at times that I’ve actually thought, “if I could just bottle and sell it” we’d all be set. However, in all honesty - If I could I’d most likely be in Hawaii right NOW! I’d either be paddle boarding in the refreshing waters off the Kona Coast or lying on the beach in a hammock with ripped surfer dude fanning me with a palm frond!!! (Oops, did I write that out loud?) I meant I’d be fanned by my gorgeous husband. MY Bad!! LOL.

No, no matter how you look at it, it certainly can’t be bought or sold and to that I actually say a big…THANK GOD! The ramifications would be horrific. We need the self esteem and empowerment that comes from pushing OURSELVES to complete challenging tasks and life long goals. This particular “law of the universe” (as it is with all of God’s laws) is made to protect us from ourselves. God’s wisdom is SOooo much better than ours. If you could just hand someone a bottle of the motivation -case closed - they’d never have to muster up the gumption to “get the job done” using their own internal resources and character building merit. You can’t build that kind of self worth and moral character free of charge. It just doesn’t work. In fact, I’ll go as far as to say, “Show me someone who’s always had every last little thing handed to them and I’ll show you someone walking around with a dangerously large chip on their shoulder”. This attitude problem is often so large that if and when these chips fall, they cause an avalanche of personal and professional destruction not only to themselves but also to any and all of those who had chosen to associate with them. Sadly, I’ve actually witnessed this and I bet many of you have as well. These are the ones you can hardly stand to be around. It’s because they don’t have the self esteem and self worth that can ONLY COME from HAVING LEARNED TO MOTIVATE one's self to face down some of lifes more invigorating challenges and from doing the kind of hard work that creates achievement, work that ultimately…. they can be proud of.

This is why we must be so very careful to let our children struggle from time to time. TO learn how to motivate themselves to handle some of life’s tough challenges while we are still here to guide and support them and to teach them what it means to work. We do them NO FAVORS when we take every challenge from their plates. By doing so, we literally cripple their ability to learn to self motivate and to rise to the occasion when inevitably, they are facing down the challenges on the “Reality Road of Life”. They lose their ability to build character and the self worth that comes from hard work as well. Let them work and learn how to get out of a pickle every now and then and watch what happens.

As the mother of two daughters 26 and almost 28 year old now, I can speak from first hand experience that by allowing them to work through some difficult issues and to WORK...PERIOD, their internal motivation has grown by leaps and bounds and their attitudes are made of the stuff that mature well rounded adults can only hope for. Their work ethic and Godly self esteem is outstanding and actually, rather motivating in and of itself!

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word MOTIVATION like this:
-Something that arouses action or activity-.

Next Monday, we are going to look at the “Something” that will boost us into activity. We’ll do so by finding the hidden key. It’s a word…hidden within a word. When we capture this, we will be on our way to the motivation that will ‘arouse us to ACTION’!

That’s right. We’ll look to the first key to conquering a motivational attitude about life in general but also to help us achieve particular goals we have set for ourselves. We’ll do so by looking at our “MOTIVES” for doing what it is we “Say” we want to do! Did you see it before I uncovered it?

It’s intriguing is it not? But there it is. The first five letters of the word we are hoping to conquer create another root word that can stump us or possibly make us uncomfortable. But if we are willing to PUT IN THE WORK…we’ll get there.

SO, give it some thought this week my friend. Your journal is a great place to start to ask yourself this question. “MOTIV”ation! What’s yours?

Until tomorrow,


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