Candace's Favorite Things

Thursday, May 31, 2012

MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE: "Goals Are Dreams You Refuse To Let Go"

IF I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Speaking strictly from the standpoint of a "Motivational Point of View";
In order to live An Abundant life - A rich full life; one must experience numerous triumphs and trials, joys and sorrows and come through it all with an exuberance for living that's been boldly BROUGHT TO LIFE . In order to do so, you must seek after and grab a tight hold of "one particular thing". Once you have done so and then , through hard work ... taken full ownership of and conquered it, it's imperative that you thoughtfully and prayerfully (after a brief breath of restoration), broaden your reach and in short order, grab hold, wrangle down and secure yet another; being willing of course, to begin the entire process all over again! 

Each time you acquire one of these little of these mysterious and most illusive objects of your affection, you WILL GROW! You'll learn to expect more from yourself. Much MUCH - MORE! In fact, your understanding of what's wholly worthy of your time, focus and attention will become even more clear as you grow more capable of fine tuning your attention in that direction. Your wisdom broadens and what you once thought IMPORTANT....pales in comparison to the truth about yourself that you've now found. 

With each one of these little miracles you’re able to capture and run'll also become more humble. Your knowledge expands exponentially as you start to recognize that this type of ABUNDANT living is not meant to only bring joy and a sense of accomplishment, but more's meant to build character through the hard work and perseverance it takes to execute each new task with dignity and class. Finally after years of experience - an acceptance that trials and tribulations are less to be balked at and seen instead as simply a necessary part of the picture, you will have learned to "believe until you have achieved" or to accept with grace and dignity ...the times when you must "let it go" and move on. In the end, much to your are gloriously healed of your need for control and are made ever more aware of who you are and who God intended you to be.

 After years of this type of existence, you become ecstatic over this one true thing - this one inescapable truth - "Every time you've won, every time you've been able to conquer and achieve - everything you've had the ability to acquire.... has ultimately been the by-product of the choices you've made. Then the light really comes on and illuminates the rest of what you had to EARN to LEARN and ACCEPT - "your ability to make these choices is nothing other than a grand gift of unmerited favor from something larger….Someone, more adequate, more powerful than yourself". When you reach this point, you understand the importance of having worked to accomplished one of "these", after another - after another!

Ok, enough with the riddle. I agree!  What are these life changing nuggets we must possess that lend themselves to an Abundant and Joy Filled Life? They are "GOALS" MY FRIEND! But more importantly; GOALS THAT YOU FIGHT FOR, LAID HOLD OF and in the end POSSESS or prayerfully and joyfully...we continue on and move to the next!

Here is a statement that is trustworthy and TRUE:
"A life lived without goals - is a life lived without Passion".
A life lived, void of passion, is a life of untapped potential.
That my friend is more than tragic!

 I've recently mentioned and have continued to quote a dear friend of mine who recently passed.
His favorite tag line was this; It's my hope that you live life with "The energy of your FULL POTENTIAL"
In those few words, I think that Sean said it all.

In conclusion:
If you are a regular reader of my blog…first of all, THANK YOU! 

Second, as of June 1st, it will have been one year to the month, since I sat up in my poolside chair in Kona Hawaii and announced two new goals I was setting for myself. That’s right, I hold myself to practicing what I preach so ….read’em and weep!!

First, I promised myself that when I returned, I would write my blog regularly; posting at least one to two times a week …for at least one solid year. Guess what, today in my writing…I am realizing that goal and let me tell you, it has been hard. I work as the CEO and run every part of this company and writing this blog (first at the rate of 5 days per week to attain syndication and gain an audience - and then I backed down to 2 or more usually 3 times each week). This discipline has added anywhere from 10 to 20 hours per week to an already chaotic and physically demanding schedule. But I set the goal and “CHECK PLEASE”…it’s been done.

Second, I made a real promise to look again in earnest to the possibility of having a second Condo home, right there in Kona Hawaii. While we never expected it to happen this soon (though this has been a 10 ‘plus’ year, on going goal), check out the pictures on this blog.
Guess what…those are of our Brand New, Ocean Front… Kona, Hawaii Condo!!!
For now, we will vacation there and rent it to others to cover our costs and share our piece of paradise.
In a few years, we will be living there half of the year, and half here.
SO…what is the real lesson here? 

Just this: Goals are nothing other than Dreams, but with a clear cut action plan and a definitive TIME LINE!
My life has been a blessing of one Goal realized after another and it has been tough as nails at times and worth every second I’ve been alive. I have accomplished more, experienced more and grown more than I ever could have DREAMED! But then again, I never thought I shouldn’t give it all a TRY! 

Now, it will be a while before you hear from me again. My daughter graduated Nursing school (she knows more than a bit about this stuff too) and tomorrow we leave for London to celebrate her victory. Then a week from now, I return home for three days and jet off to Kona Hawaii until the end of the month of June. You’ll be seeing some of the BEST–O-Candace while I’m away and a short (thank goodness) post or two as well.

Now there's still a question that remains.  Blog written consistently for one year…Check: Gain an audience…Check: Attain our dream Hawaiian Island Home…Check: What’s next? I have on my list to continue to write, but after the ONE YEAR GOAL of consistent  blogging - in my mind, next it was to be a book. I didn’t say when, just that it was next. 

Will I be back  blogging or “Booking” when I return July first? Or taking a break before I rewrite “WAR AND PEACE”….I can’t honestly say that I know. What I can say is once again…thanks to God’s Grace…I DID WHAT I SET OUT TO DO!
That’s something that no one can or will ever take away. It’s changed me for the better because once again, as with all goals attained…I’m left wondering this – “If I did that, what else can I do”?
Can I write a book? Before this year of blogging, I’d hoped I could. Now I know I can escape to my "Beautiful Island home" and throw down a chapter or two when,  the spirit moves me.

 So my friends always remember that it’s my desire, now and always…that you ALSO live this life with the “Energy of Your Full Potential”…thanks Sean!
Until Next time - whenever that may be…
For right now, it’s over the Ponds, “BOTH DIRECTIONS”  with my attained goals by my side and the dreams of what will be my new set of goals every spinning in my mind.

(If you are interested in staying in our gorgeous Kona home….contact me on my e mail at the bottom of this post).

e- mail;
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