Candace's Favorite Things

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TUESDAY'S TRAINING TIPS:"Rev. Your Metabolism With This SImple Rule"

When it comes to fueling ones metabolism -  there are a couple of practical tips that you can implement that actually have the "potential" to help boost your metabolism and create a greater "sizzle for your middle" (not the average pie in the sky garbage being sold on cable networks at 2 AM.).
Just so you know, for those of you who like to purchase supposed "weight loss products" from late night infomercials - sprinkling "SENSA" on your favorite junk  food before chowing down isn't one of them (By the way...more on 'Sensa' in my next NUTRITION blog, stay tuned)! 

The tip I have my clients hold to, that has the most potential for elevating ones Metabolism is....  "Eat or Exercise Within an Hour of Getting Up"! 

Either way, this simple adaptation has the power to FIERCELY IGNITE, FUEL and KEEP your metabolism BURNING. While it is true that every BODY is different, this practice will engage and stimulate your metabolism to work FASTER and MORE EFFICIENTLY and LONGER than by getting up -  skipping breakfast - heading off to work and forgetting to fuel your body all together. Continue with this type of negligent behavior and you'll most definitely, though unintentionally numb your hunger a bit - but only to your detriment. Why? Because by the end of the day, this type of neglect of ones metabolism will ultimately produce a crazy, uncontrollable, starvation induced appetite that PROMISES to end in an unexpected and out of control Feeding Frenzy. Just when your metabolism has been slowed to a crawl and isn't as able to BURN IT UP as well as it could have, had it not been neglected all day! Sound familiar anyone? 

  If you are like me, it’s not unheard of to have to roll out of bed at 5 am. and be down in my gym on the treadmill pumping out a strong 8 mile run by 5:20, in which case I’m going to save that breakfast for as soon as I finish my workout...otherwise, I won’t be feeling so well in short order. I don’t know about you but I prefer to see my breakfast only once and preferably before being eaten!! Then my job is to let no more than 45 min. ( Maximum),  pass before refueling after I'm finished. If however, you are up at say 7:00 and won’t be working out for at least an hour, well then your job is to fuel your metabolism right away, within that first hour of waking by having a nutritious breakfast. Waiting any longer will teach your metabolism to slow itself down. IN addition, try not to skip predetermined snacks or meals as this will keep your metabolic furnace burning like a towering INFERNO ready to burn up what you give it!! (Diabetics and others with special conditions and considerations will want to discuss this with their doctors as this equation may not pertain to them).

Take it to the bank, you can't ignore your metabolism all day and then expect it to kick into high gear
when it has no GET UP AND GO LEFT TO GIVE!

Until Next Time,

For More Articles by Candace Go to www.CandaceGrasso.BlogSpot .com

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