Candace's Favorite Things

Monday, November 14, 2011

MONDAY'S MOTIVATIONAL MINUTES - Part III, of our four part series"Motivation, Taking a Cold Hard Look"

Well, I'm back home again from Hawaii and the aroma of the Aloha Spirit is still with me! Actually considering the bumps, delays and re-booked flights I had to take to get back, there’s QUITE an AROMA here to be sure. But instead of an aroma of Plumeria flowers and "Aloha", I'm sure this odor makes quite a statement! Like, "Hey buddy- TAKE A SHOWER ALEADY WHY DON'T YA...PLEASE”!

I was up for approximately 43 hours (taking into account I might have dosed off and on for a total of about 2 here and there). A rough travel day to be sure as the airlines had over booked our connecting flight from Honolulu to Chicago.

It’s a long story and much more fitting for Saturday's posting but when airlines over book flights, well - I'll hold my tongue til an appropriate time to tell you what I think of THAT POLICY! “So, is Hawaii still worth all the hassle Candace”? you ask…

Oh baby, you bet it is. However, I have much to say on the topic of air travel of late but for now, it’s Onward and Upward and I’m moving on,
(Until Saturday’s Soap Box that is)!

We're here today to discuss , with a slight interruption (by a week long stent in paradise) in our four part series on "MOTIVATION’- “Taking a Cold Hard Look".(With a bit of an overview of parts I & II)

In our first two installments I discussed "MOTIVATION"; the actual word itself, its definition and what it ‘literally’ means to be motivated to achieve. Then in part II, we looked closer by breaking it down to the root or the actual first 5 letters of the word MOTIVATION itself,( "Motiv"- added an "e"- for grammar’s sake and came up with “Motive”), and the ‘Motive’ behind what it is we say we're MOTIVATED to do in the first place. It was here that we looked closer into examining what it is that actually drives us, “the Motives behind the Motivation- if you will”

When and if we take the time to closely examine what our motives/ reasons are, for wanting to achieve the goals we say we are shooting for, we have a better understanding as to why some either BURST THROUGH THE FINISH LINE WITH ENERGY TO SPARE (no matter how difficult or what obstacles the race may have presented along the way) because they were motivated to achieve with a driving PASSION behind the PUSH! On the other hand, we watch as others stumble, trip and often fall. They struggle and strive and it appears as though these folks are constantly fighting….constantly working against the grain as they push their way towards what they say they’re MOTIVATED to aspire to. Many give up but some continue on. As they work their way through each and every obstacle,(and there are MANY to be sure), they do so with a joyless demeanor that’s really rather hard to watch. It appears as if each hurdle that’s overcome is just another hassle that drags them down. Until finally, if they don’t give up, they eventually trip over the finish line and fall into what they “said” they were Motivated to achieve.
Unfortunately, this scenario often ends with those who find out too late that what they should have more closely examined the motives behind their mission. Some of these are to be commended as they fought until they won. Others though may have just sealed their fate in achieving a career, a marriage, a relationship or a position in life that they find they hate. WHY? Because they leaped before they looked at the bottom line. They jumped because the trappings looked good and without examining the motive behind the Motivation, they sadly achieved their goal. Leaving them joyless, empty and without contentment. THEY chose trappings over substance and for now anyway, HAVE MISSED THE CHANCE for an ABUNDANT LIFE!
(good news, there's always another tomorrow to get it right).

SO in our search for what motivates us to achieve - or as the dictionary defines it;
”something that arouses Action or Activity”… we must look for the motive first. It need to be that of a burning passion that we’ve always pretty much held near and dear to our hearts – OR – sadly, we may find ourselves trying to seek the approval of others who push us towards what they want us to achieve. IF…we run after monetary gain before looking at whether or not we love what we will be doing to attain it, we lose again!

SO, now we that we are MOTIVATED TO ACHIEVE and our Motives to achieving have been well established, we’re raring and good to go.

SO, What’s next Yoda?
Glad you asked!

Your next battle is to be consistent on the road to achieving your goals. Take this one to the bank ya’ll and shout if from the roof tops;


Yep. It works and if I’m lying I’m dying!! IF you want to get the job done;

1) Make a list of the things that you’re Motivated to do. (detailed in part I).

2) Examine the Motives behind your motivation, (we went through that in detail in part II).

3) Lastly ….Get and Stay Motivated to achieve your goals by gaining and keeping a rolling MOMENTUM!

That’s right! Our last installment of this series will discuss MOMENTUM!

Keep it and you’re golden…lose it and we just might lose track of your foot prints on the path to reaching your goals. Without tangible results, you have no measurable evidence that you are actually moving closer to your set goals.

Without tangle results, you WILL EVENTUALLY lose your motivation and when that happens, you’ll slowly but surly drift from the highway that leads to success. How can you make sure you see these results and keep seeing them, so as to keep your FIRE LIT?

Stay tuned; keep your eyes on the prize and Pray for assistance. Next week, we’ll discuss how you capture and keep the momentum you’ll need to take you all the way to the WIN!

Until tomorrow for Tuesday's Training Tips,

"Keep your eyes on the prize as well turned upward, along with your prayers"….
I'd never try this ALONE...

If you are interested in catching up, simply click the ‘Archive Bar’ to the right side of my home page and tap the down arrow. The drop down box will open to reveal the dates of past posts. Part I and Part II are there and can be read by hitting the dates of (Monday), October 24th for part I and (Monday), October 31st for part II.

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